Smokers left breathless by pretax plays 5D Christy Lau(R2)

This news talks about some smokers who objected to rising tobacco tax, which was decided by Tsang Chun Wah in his budget on Wednesday, because they think this is not fair for them.

I think increasing tobacco tax is not the way to reduce smokers in Hong Kong.  Increasing tobacco tax will raise their financial burden.  However, they won’t stop smoking.  They would rather buy their cigarettes on the black market. As you know, buying cigarettes on the black market is illegal.  Also, the quality of the cigarettes is very bad.  If the smokers consume it, it will negatively affect their health.

Were I the financial Secretary, o would combat against the black first.  Having no ways to but illegal cigarettes, the smokers will be forced to buy the expensive one.  Then, they will think it is not worth spending money on smoking.  As a result, they will consider quitting it.

Smoking is a big problem; it not only affects the smokers’ health, but also wastes their money.  Also, it will affect the people around them.  Had the smokers quitted it by themselves, the government would not have increased the tobacco tax.

What’s more, I think the government should put more resources in helping the smokers to quit smoking.  It’s more effective than increasing the tobacco tax, isn’t it?

To sum up, I disagree with government’s act of increasing tobacco tax and I think the government should put more resources in helping the smokers to quit smoking

本篇發表於 S5。將永久鏈結加入書籤。

20 Responses to Smokers left breathless by pretax plays 5D Christy Lau(R2)

  1. 5C(34) Jade Yip 說道:

    You’re right! After I had read this article, I changed my opinon of agreeing the government to increase tobacco tax because as you said, it’s not an effective way to prevent smokers giving up smoking.

  2. 5A24michelle 說道:

    I think raising tobacco tax can reduce smokers in Hong Kong.The smokers will reduce buying cigarettes,because the cigarettes price was raising.

  3. Miki Ng 說道:

    I see your points. I think it’s selfish for the smokers to smoke since they aren’t only affect their health.Also they ‘ll affect the public people because of “the second-hand-tobacco".
    Also,I think the Hong Kong government should strengthen the promotion.

  4. Danny Tong 5D 29 說道:

    In my opinion, rising tobacco tax was a bad plan. It is because some smokers will buy the illegal cigarette. Moreover, the tobacco tax was risen by the budget, some newspaper stand will be affected by the tobacco tax . Besides that, the workload of the customs will be risen too.

    • Ng Mei Ki 5B 27 說道:

      I see your points. I think it’s selfish for the smokers to smoke since they aren’t only affect their health.Also they ‘ll affect the public people because of “the second-hand-tobacco".
      Also,I think the Hong Kong government should strengthen the promotion,for example,holding more talks in schools..

  5. Matt Chan 5B(5) 說道:

    You are right ! They will buy their cigarettes on the black market as well as still smoking . It’s no use implementing the policy . It not only wastes the administration fee but also it is disillusionary . Therefore , the government should correct the policy . In my opinion , they ought to educate the smoker some knowledge about the drawbacks of smoking . Hopefully , there is no smoking in Hong Kong and everyone will be healthy .

  6. Miki Ng 說道:

    I see your points. I think it’s selfish for the smokers to smoke since they aren’t only affect their health.Also they ‘ll affect the public people because of “the second-hand-tobacco".
    Also,I think the Hong Kong government should strengthen the promotion..

  7. RAELEUNG 5D 18 說道:

    You’re right!
    I also think increasing tobacco tax is not the way to reduce smokers in Hong Kong.
    Moreover, I think the government should propose more measures to prevent smokers smoke in Hong Kong.

  8. Chung Chun Yip 5B 10 說道:

    Sorry,I don’t agree whit you.I think this budget can reduce the smoker to stop smoking,It’s many advantages for the budge to reduce the smoker smoking.For example,saving their lifes

  9. Johnny Tsang 5D30 說道:

    Well,i think this programme is so fantistic since this can hit the smoker to buy more smoke.Moreover,it may reduce the pollution of smoking.However,this movement will add more poeple to buy the cigarettes.

  10. Ji Yoon 說道:

    I agree with you, rising tobacco tax is not a good way to make smokers don’t smoke and make them spend more money to buy smoke .Also,I agree your point, the government can put more resources to help smokers.

  11. Chan Yin 5B 07 說道:

    I am not a smoker so tobacco tax can not impact me . But as one part of HK , I still think we should support to rising tobacco tax to reduce the problems about smoking , because smoking is bad for our boddy .

  12. lilinzhi(5A20) 說道:

    I agree with you that smokers should stop smoking. Smoking is not good for our health. Otherwise, the way that the govermment increased the tobacco tax are not a best to let people stop smoking. By the I very appreciate you writing skill.

  13. Cheung Ching Man 說道:

    One of the objectives of raising tobacco tax is to discourage smoking. Frankly, this plan is not totally unacceptable. Raising tobacco tax is advantageous for smokers and the public. Smokers may be reducing or giving up smoking because of the expensive tobacco tax. And then the passive smokers will be also cutting down. Although the plan has disadvantages, its effectiveness is can be sured.

  14. Tidus Wong 5A (31) 說道:

    In my opinion , the policie is not a good way to stop people smoking . It will cause people buying it on black market because of the cheaper price . In my experience , the opportunity of smelling second hand smoke is raising because the policie of banning smoking.

  15. 5A01AnwarJan 說道:

    i agree that rising tobacco tax is not fair to the smokers. However, i think that rising tobacco tax can help the somkers, such as help thir keep healthily and help the smokers to quit smoking. But there are also some disagree, for example, the government can not take care all of public and the smokers.

  16. laiszewai 5B18 r2 說道:

    In my opinion, the government should give more resources because that’s not fair for the smoker.

  17. Yuen Chun Ho B35 說道:

    I think the tobacco tax is useful to help the smoker stop smoking. And,it is good for our health.

  18. Yuen Chun Ho 5B35 說道:

    I think the tobacco tax is useful to help the smoker stop smoking. And,it is good for our health. it is important for public health.

  19. Woo Hoi Lun 說道:

    I love this topic so much.It is related to our fds and family.I would like to find more information for smoking…

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