Earthquake of New Zealand

Earthquake of New Zealand

Chan Tsz Ngai 6B (4)


Although our technology has improved, we cannot prevent the natural disaster. We can predict the weather but we cant change them. The only thing we can do is reduce the damage cause by the disaster. Moreover, the damages that are caused by these natural hazards are very huge. More time is needed to rebuild the building.


The earthquake happened in New Zealand last two weeks is an example that how powerful the hazard is. It has been estimated that earthquake, with a magnitude of 7.1. It is about 100,000 house were damaged, with 500 building to be demolished. In this case, we can see that things can be damaged in a very short time even though a lot of time is spent to build up these buildings. Many people become homeless, they had nowhere to go. Some people may also lose their job. And this lead to a great economic loss.


However, the disaster cause a great economic loss, it is fortunate that the numbers of injury is only two. This make me compare with this earthquake and the earthquake happened in Sichuan at 2008.The number of death in this earthquake is about 69,000 people. Although the magnitude of this earthquake is about 30 times of the earthquake in New Zealand, I don’t think the numbers of death can be hugely different. As I said at the beginning, although we cannot prevent the coming of disaster, we can still do some precaution on it, such as raise the awareness of people, and improve the building structure. This incident make me to pay more attention to know more about the world and I think I am lucky that Hong Kong does not have any serious hazard in stead of typhoon and monsoon. I hope everyone in Hong Kong can cherish that we can live in a stable city.

本篇發表於 S6。將永久鏈結加入書籤。

6 Responses to Earthquake of New Zealand

  1. kiki 說道:

    I agree that we can improve the building structure and Japan is a good object of study.As we know,there are lots of earthquake in Japan,so the japanese have developed a faultless design of the building which can reduce the damage of building during earthquake.Although it need a long time and a huge money for learning this technology from Japan,the goverment can protect the citizens and thier wealth in a better way.Catherine Lee(6B16)

  2. KH 說道:

    I also think Hong Kong is a stable city. Undoubtedly, earthquake cannot avoid by ourselves. If I can go New Zealand, I will do the volunteer to help them that rebuild the building. In this event, I remember the Sichuan\’s earthquake at 2008. It can let us know the important in the structure of building.Although the technology has improved, we cannot ensure that no house have not damaged. So, helping the homeless is very important after the earthquake.(Chu King Hei, Andrew 6B 7)

  3. 樂怡 說道:

    I agree that we should give our helping hands to those who suffer from natural disasters,for example,we can provide immediate food and waterand join fund raising campaigns.All the disasters remind us to treasure all the things now because the disasters are difficult to estimate.An instance,all the things are damaged.In Sichuan at 2008,i am impressed that the victims were helpless.To alleviate seriousness of those disasters,building structure should be improved.(xenia , wong lok yi 6B 30)

  4. mok 說道:

    The technology of earthquake finding has developed for many years. But the prevention of the disaster is hard cause every coming earthquake has differentand non-continuous freatures. It makes earthquake hard to predict. I think we should notice animals behaviours to predict the coming of earthquake. Becauseanimals have better sence than human to feel the coming of disasters.By Bobo Mok 6B(20)

  5. mok 說道:

    The technology of earthquake finding has developed for many years. But the prevention of the disaster is hard cause every coming earthquake has differentand non-continuous freatures. It makes earthquake hard to predict. I think we should notice animals behaviours to predict the coming of earthquake. Becauseanimals have better sence than human to feel the coming of disasters.By Bobo Mok 6B(20)

  6. 5C Lee Chun Kit 說道:

    I cherish that I can live in a stable Hong Kong.I do not have to face even more serious earthquake disaster.I hope that Hong Kong people need a safe place to protect Hong Kong because there is no better than in Hong Kong. I love Hong Kong!

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